Simplifier in Science, Technology, and Life

Inspiration and Motivation, Life and Experiences

The Art Status

Artist Artistic Art

Whether you are learning to build software, play music, or paint, the first thousands of hours go into the tools/work.

You’ll make mistakes, have “A-ha” moments, outperform your own expectations, as well as fail.

And that’s when you reach this what I call “the Art status,” where the tools and process become invisible, and you can seamlessly flow your vision and ideas to reality. Just like you drive your car to work without cognitive load, or breathe without feeling presence of a nose on your face.

This is when the Art in you manifests itself. You create something that feels magical to others. The magic that surfaces from deep within you.

To an artist, the brush is an extension to her hands. To a software developer, a running code is a disconnected extension of her mind.

Learn to read yourself. Bring your originality out. Create. Make impact. Reach the Art Status.

See also: The 10,000 hour rule (and also 1, 2, 3)

Related: Dunning-Kruger Effect

Cover Photo: Pixabay

{Originally posted on LinkedIn (16 likes, 3 comments)}

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