Simplifier in Science, Technology, and Life


Note from a Mentee (RJ)


Alok Govil #Kudos I really appreciate the guidance you provide me with #AmazingMentor

Alok has a lion’s share in galvanizing my interest in Natural Language Processing. I am a person who dabbles in many fields, and was doing the same in AI, but Alok brought to my attention that NLP is a field with many unsolved problems. Alok’s pedagogy skills are unmatched. Going through his NLP slide broadened my horizons in ways reading two reference books couldn’t. Not forgetting to mention that he has been kind enough to patiently answer all the questions which I had in my mind when I started learning NLP. I would go so far as to say that he’s a prodigal genius since he tried to build a prototype compiler even before he turned 14, in a time and age when 32kb RAM was a big deal to have. Alok’s knowledge base across the entire hardware to software stack is astounding, to say the least, right from the low level CMOS design to user facing software, he loves to have his fingers in every pie. For me, he’s a priceless mentor and a devoted teacher. Hoping to have many stimulating discussions with him in the future.


Rohit Jain [via his LinkedIn Post]

Thanks Rohit Jain. 🙂 I hope I can continue to be of help. 🙂

Cover Photo: Pixabay

{Originally posted on LinkedIn (26 likes, 4 comments)}

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